First blog post

New Blog, New Energy – Hello Internet!

Hi everyone! I started a different mom blog back in late 2014 when my now three year old was just born. I was extremely hopeful that it should continue but new motherhood took priority and I found myself lacking a passion to keep it going (think long sleepless nights and absolutely no energy). I am starting fresh with a new domain name and new refreshed outlook on life to build a more comprehensive blog that combines several passions including my love for traveling and exploring new places, my love for reviewing products/services that work for me and my family, and creating fun experiences for my daughter that she will hopefully look back on and treasure.

As I write I am about six and a half months pregnant, once again about to explore unknown territory as I am now expecting a little boy. I am so excited to discover the benefits of having a son, but that of course means having to start over in a way as I find myself having to think about ways to make our little girl-driven home into more of a haven for a young girl and boy — i.e. redecorate the nursery, pull old baby items from the closet and see what we can salvage and what just needs to be replaced, once again explore the world of being pregnant and – gulp – get ready for my glucose screening test in a few weeks….and so much more.

Over the next few posts I hope to share thoughts on being pregnant, raising a baby, recent travels, traveling with kids, unique places for play dates with toddlers, planning a kid’s birthday party, and creating fun projects at home. Thanks for reading so far and I look forward to reading any comments from other parents facing the fears and anticipation that come with becoming a mom/dad to multiples!